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  • Where does Nord Haus deliver to?
    Nord Haus ships globally. Shipping outside of Australia is based on weight which is calculated automatically at the checkout. Please be aware of your local customs requirements when purchasing items as Nord Haus will not refund for items rejected by customs and border agencies.
  • What is Nord Haus's returns policy?
    We love to know that you're happy, but in cases where you have a problem with an item we ask that you read our Returns Policy before getting in touch with us.
  • Why do I have to give you my phone number?
    Having your contact number can be very handy for our team should we need to get in touch regarding your order. It is also a requirement of some of our shipping partners, including Australia Post. In addition, your phone number is often the most efficient way for us to contact you. We understand that some shoppers do not like leaving a phone number, but you can rest assured that your telephone details will never be used for marketing purposes and absolutely never passed on to any third party.
  • What if I have a question about a particular item?
    If you'd like to have more information about a particular product, please contact us via the Contact Us page.
  • I have a trade/wholesale enquiry, who do I contact?"
    If you are or would like to become a stockist or if you are a designer, restaurant/cafe owner and would like to purchase in bulk, please contact us directly at
  • Can't find the answer you need?
    Our aim is to help you find the answers you need to ensure you have the best experience with Nord Haus. So please get in touch with us at for any further questions or enquiries you may have.
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Nord Haus is Australian based online store, stocking beautiful handmade homewares, Latvian jewellery and textiles imported from the Baltic regions of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. 

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