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A word from the author, Daina Pocius:


When I began my family history research it consisted only of what my grandparents could remember.  I always thought I came from a very small family.  Well 25 years later, I know that is not the case. 


Tracing your Lithuanian ancestors may seem daunting at first, but it is possible to do so from Australia.  The hardest part is just knowing where to start. 


I have assembled a resource from my many years of searching.  This resource aims to direct you along your journey, providing tips on where to find information in Australia and overseas. An increasing variety of material, including maps, gazetteers, newspapers, shipping lists and civil records of birth death and marriage and immigration papers are becoming available online. A good deal can be researched online and for free. 


There are many factors that make Lithuanian family history research challenging. People’s surnames change as does the language they are recorded in. Lithuanian records may be written in Lithuanian, Russian, Polish, German or Latin. 


I hope that this book will inspire a new generation of historians, people wishing to find out more about their roots, who will use and contribute to the Archives.


Profits will be donated to the Australian Lithuanian Archives.


Tracing your Lithuanian Ancestors from Australia

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